500hr E-RYT has allowed me to guide students and train teachers through their practice for over 16 years now. With several certifications, including yoga for cancer, restorative yoga, wellness yoga and so on, I specialize in yin yoga, working with the connective tissue and energy structure, breath work, and working with any student of this beautiful practice to customize their own practice.

I’m very thankful for the understanding of our individual anatomy structure and that yoga is truly about one’s connection with oneself. This practice is about function, not how a posture looks, but how any posture feels. Yoga is for every body, each student of yoga coming to a better understanding and connection by changing the life force within each of us.

To get signed up, contact Jill at jill_mollenhauer1@comcast.net or stop by the front desk!


Full Sessions

1 Session | $70
5 Pack | $315
10 Pack | $600

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