Member Benefits

Preferred Partners

We have partnered with like-minded businesses around town to provide you with the best wellness experience. We understand that Raintree can’t provide all services so instead, we did the research and found businesses we trust to give you your best wellness experience.

Business Partners

We have partnered with like-minded businesses around town to provide you with the best wellness experience. We understand that Raintree can’t provide all services so instead, we did the research and found businesses we trust to give you your best wellness experience.

Local Member Perks

Our members get access to hundreds of local savings. Savings all around town from Mugs, Rush Bowls, H&M, Safeway, and more!

Member Rewards

Our members get points for coming to the gym, booking classes, bringing friends, and more! Ask us about our point system on your next visit!

Included in member rewards are our sweepstakes. Each month you can use your points to enter to win!

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